For: researchers and research students
To: read academic journal articles
With: a global audience
For better research literacy, knowledge sharing,
and community building.
Attend/Organize Online Journal Clubs (OJCs) and share your experience of research literature reading.
Need a better understanding of research? Attending OJCs can make your learning curve flatter and reading experience more social.
Adopt OJCs into your training programmes.
ResearchIC has received research funding (2022-2025) from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science under the framework of JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (22K13755).
ResearchIC has received research funding (2022-2023) from the Moodle Association of Japan MAJ R&D Grant 2022.
This is an academic project sponsored by JSPS and Moodle Association of Japan MAJ R&D Grant 2022. Until April 2025, it provides free service for researchers and students.
No. You can use one of our event templates or you can develop one event from scratch. If you want to develop the event by yourself, please let your event coordinator know. We can fully accommodate your preference.
If you are interested in hosting an OJC event, please visit this page and add a new entry on the page, or email to If you want to attend OJC, please sign in to the system and enrol yourself to interested OJC.
Yes. You will receive honorarium according to the payment regulation of Toyohashi University of Technology.
Thank you for your agreement to become our hosts! Please wait patiently for the follow-up email sent from ResearchIC, which contains guidance for next actions. Meanwhile, please take the following actions:
If you are invited by email to become a host at ResearchIC, you do not need to apply for becoming a host.
The 100 OJCs between 2023 and 2024 are originally open to global researchers and research students in the field of education science. But other fields' researchers and research students are also welcome.
100 Online Journal Clubs are abbreviated as “100 OJCs” on ResearchIC. It is the primary initiative of a three-year R&D project involving the use of online journal club events to train research reading capabilities in the education domain. The project's Principan Investigator (PI) is Dr.Jingjing Lin, an assistant professor at Toyohashi University of Technology (Japan). 100 OJCs intend to invite and collaborate with educational researchers from around the world, to co-create and deliver online journal clubs. These OJCs are primarily designed for postgraduate research students. The purpose is to investigate whether using OJCs could improve educational research reading capabilities of higher degree research students.
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In case of any enquiries, please either use the support forum or email to