I have updated around 60 prominent mainland China researchers who are active in academics related to IT in education, most of them are from Beijing Normal University and East China Normal University.
Also, I found two laboratories from these two universities focusing on smart education/ education innovation which would be helpful to us.
I will continue working on that google sheet, and I will add their salutations for further communication.
Here are some of my ideas:
1. Scholar selection standard. When I was searching for suitable researchers, I found some of the scholars typical of our target, but most of the scholars in mainland may focus on lecturing or publishing textbooks, so I have difficulty figuring out their academic output or standard. I was wondering do we need to set a portrait of our target scholars? And how many invitations are we preparing to send in the 2nd stage?
2. Are there any other ways( apart from emails) to connect mainland scholars? e.g.: Face to face invitation on conferences?
Btw, when will we have the next meeting? Looking forward to talking with you in a more detailed way !