Log#15. email template to invite OJC hosts

Log#15. email template to invite OJC hosts

ResearchICAI -
The email draft has several versions. Different versions are displayed below in replies.

Re: Log#15. email template to invite OJC hosts

ResearchICAI -

Invitation Letter [Version 1.0]

November 17, 2022

Dear colleague,

Hope this email finds you well. 

I am reaching out hoping to share with you a three-year research project and to invite you to engage with a new platform called ResearchIC.com – one core deliverable from the project. 

 I am at present seeking:

  • Research collaborators: to engage with the four research activities mentioned above.
  • Project collaborators: to engage with ResearchIC development in the education domain by inviting educational researchers and research students on board. 
  • 100 Online Journal Club Event hosts: to host online journal club on ResearchIC in one of the two waves (January 2023 to March 2023, or April 2023 to March 2024). All events are hosted on ResearchIC, which is a customized Moodle environment. The learning analytics of an event (mainly anonymized log data) will be shared with its host to support their research purposes. Check the Open call page.
  • 100 Online Journal Club Event attendants: to participate in the events as learners/audience. Check the Open call page.

I would like to invite you to host one online journal club event between January 2023 and March 2023 and invite your students to participate in the event. You are also most welcome as researcher collaborator or project collaborator if it interests you and fits your schedule. 

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

I look forward to hearing from you. 



Jingjing Lin (Ph.D., Asst. Prof.)
Center for IT-based Education
Toyohashi University of Technology
Hibarigaoka-1-1 Tenpaku-cho, Toyohashi, Aichi 441-8580, Japan


Re: Log#15. email template to invite OJC hosts

ResearchICAI -

Invitation Letter [Version 2.0]

November 18, 2022

[Note: this version was used to invite
96 educational researchers on November 18, 2022; revised on November 24, 2022]

Email title

Greeting from Japan: Invitation to host online journal club events for postgraduate students in education

Email body

Dear Prof./Dr. FirstName LastName,

Hope this email finds you well. 

I am Jingjing Lin, an assistant professor at Toyohashi University of Technology (Japan) and the principal investigator of a three-year R&D project involving the use of online journal club events to train research literacy in the education domain. 

The project’s primary initiative is to host 100 Online Journal Club Events, abbreviated as “100 OJC Events”. It intends to invite and collaborate with 100 educational researchers from around the world, to co-create and deliver online journal club events. These OJC events are primarily designed for postgraduate research students. The purpose is to investigate whether using OJC events could improve educational research literacy levels of higher degree research students. 

I’d like to extend a sincere invitation to you, a renowned educational researcher, to host one of the 100 OJC Events. More details are available on the Open call page. All events are hosted on our self-developed proprietary platform ResearchIC (https://researchic.com), which is a customized Moodle environment. The learning analytics of your OJC event (primarily log data that has been anonymized) will be shared with you to support your own potential research. 

You can sign up to the platform using your email, or directly sign in using your existing Google, LinkedIn, or Facebook accounts. Once you agree to host and your account is created on the platform, I will assign you to your event as the host.

The project also seeks collaborators if you are available.

  • Research collaborators: participate in the four research activities listed in the poster.
  • Project collaborators: to contribute to the growth of ResearchIC.com as an OJC hosting platform service.

Please feel free to forward this email to your students, coworkers, or anyone else who may find it interesting or useful. 

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

I look forward to hearing from you.  



Jingjing Lin (Ph.D., Asst. Prof.)
Center for IT-based Education
Toyohashi University of Technology
Hibarigaoka-1-1 Tenpaku-cho, Toyohashi, Aichi 441-8580, Japan


Re: Log#15. email template to invite OJC hosts

ResearchICAI -

Step 2: thank you Email

(underscored texts below need attention/actions)

Subject: [100 OJC Events] Thank you for being an event host: What is next?

Dear Prof./Dr. xxx,

Thank you very much for agreeing to host one of the "100 OJC Events" with other fantastic educational researchers in the world

As a first step of this agreement, please visit https://researchic.com to sign up using your email, or directly sign in using your existing Google, LinkedIn, or Facebook accounts. If you have done so, I am grateful for your efficiency. 

In the coming months, you are expected to submit three things to the ResearchIC platform. As a result, there are three deadlines to respect.

Your biography page is here. The coordinator will update it. If you want to provide the information directly, please directly communicate with the coordinator. 

Your event page is here

Meanwhile, please provide your bank information on this page before January 15, 2023, in order to receive the honorarium payment of around 10,000 yen as an event host for the project. 

In case of any problem or any need for a virtual meeting, please do not hesitate to book a meeting with me directly on my calendar. Click the highlighted/circled date, and you will see my available time slots on display.

I look forward to the collaboration and your event.

Best regards,

Dr. Jingjing Lin


Re: Log#15. email template to invite OJC hosts

ResearchICAI -

Step 2: thank you email (中文版)



[百场在线期刊俱乐部] 感谢您成为活动主持人:下一步是什么?






Cindy Liang女士/Niki Chu Ji女士将作为您的期刊俱乐部活动的协调人,她也在本邮件的抄送名单里。相信她会跟进您的参与,并提供最好的支持。








Re: Log#15. email template to invite OJC hosts

ResearchICAI -

Dear George,

Thank you very much for agreeing to host one of the "100 OJC Events" with other fantastic educational researchers in the world

As a first step of this agreement, please visit https://researchic.com to sign up using your email, or directly sign in using your existing Google, LinkedIn, or Facebook accounts. 

After you sign in to the platform, you can visit the Action Guide for Hosts for detailed guidance on the next steps. Overall, you are expected to submit three things to the ResearchIC platform. As a result, there are three deadlines to respect.

Your biography page is here. If you want to provide the information directly, please contact me. Your event page is here

Please kindly respond to the following three activities in order to allow the accounting staff at my university to process the payment.

(A) Data entry by hosts for the Honorarium calculation 
(B) Required Information for making bank remittance
(C) Please submit a CV of you using the given file format

I look forward to the collaboration and your event.

Best regards,

Dr. Jingjing Lin


Re: Log#15. email template to invite OJC hosts

ResearchICAI -

Step 9: email to host

Dear Prof./Dr. xxxx,

Thank you so much for respecting the deadlines of three tasks in hosting one of the 100 OJC Events. Now the event page is ready to invite the audience from the world to learn from you. You can access the event page below:

  • URL of the event

I would like to invite you to share this event link to your Social Media networks, colleagues, students, and anyone that might be interested in this learning opportunity.

If you have some more time, you can post some questions in the forum to inspire the audience into critical thinking when reading the selected paper. Once there are questions or discussions from the attendants, you can also choose to engage with their conversation in the forum.

  • URL of the forum on the event page

The Certificate of Service is available now to be downloaded from the following page:

Meanwhile, please kindly check the status of the bank transfer from Toyohashi University of Technology to you and share with me the status of your payment's arrival on the page "Payment to hosts"

It has been a fabulous opportunity to work with you and learn from you in 100 OJC Events.

I would like to sincerely express my gratitutde towards your contribution, and look forward to your further engagement with events on ResearchIC. 

Best regards,

Dr. Jingjing Lin


Re: Log#15. email template to invite OJC hosts

ResearchICAI -

邀您参加 [全球线期刊俱]




动获得了日本学振兴会(Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)的科学研究经费支持22K13755),它致力于组织世界上秀的教育研究人员汇聚一堂,用在线期刊俱的活方式向全球教育域的研究生分享教育学期刊文的阅读经验一个研究与开,所以它不只是要开平台(https://researchic.com),组织期刊文章阅读也要的与研究素养培有关的研究活










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