Mark Newman

Dr. Mark Newman is an Interdisciplinary Social Scientist working predominantly in applied research areas. His professional background includes health, social sciences and education and he has worked in the NHS as well as in Higher Education. His academic interests span three inter-related areas:
  1. Developing methods and processes for and producing systematic reviews for policy and practice decision making across different areas of social policy including education;
  2. Capacity building amongst practitioners, researchers and policymakers to produce, critically appraise and utilize research evidence;
  3. Methods for the design and evaluation of effective learning environments in workplace professional, clinical ,and school education.
He uses a range of  approaches and methods in his research including Experimental Research designs, Qualitative fieldwork and interviews, and Systematic Reviews. 

He combines his interests in his roles as a senior researcher in the EPPI-Centre,  Module Leader on the MSc in Social Policy and Social Research and Programme Leader of the Research Training Programme in the Centre for Doctoral Education UCL Institute of Education. 


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