Myint Swe Khine

Professor Myint Swe Khine holds Master's degrees in education from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA, and the University of Surrey, Guildford. UK., and a Doctor of Education from Curtin University, Australia. He has worked at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and was a Professor and Chair of the Assessment and Evaluation Centre, at Emirates College for Advanced Education in the United Arab Emirates. Dr. Khine currently teaches at Curtin University, Australia. He was also a recipient of the Matsumae International Foundation Fellowship in Japan.

His research interest covers the science of learning, pedagogy in education, technology-enhanced learning, science education, artificial intelligence in education, and quantitative analysis in educational research. He is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of international academic journals including Learning Environment Research (Springer), Educational Media International (Taylor & Francis), International Journal of Social Media and Interactive learning environments (Inderscience), and Educational Psychology (Frontiers). He has published numerous papers and edited over 40 books. Recent volumes,  Handbook of Research in Teacher Education: Innovations and Practices in Asia (2022), Rasch Measurement: Applications in Quantitative Educational Research (2020), and Methodology for Multilevel Modelling in Educational Research: Concept and Applications (2022) are published by Springer.


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