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Abdullah KonakAbdullah Konak is a Distinguished Professor of Information Sciences and Technology, at Penn State Berks, USA. | ||
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Álvaro H. GalvisAlvaro is co-editor in chief of the International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, a Springer´s open-access publication He has been creator, leader and advisor of innovative educational projects that rely on the use of digital technology, nationally and internationally.
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Antonia MakinaDr Antonia Makina is an education consultant at Directorate: Curriculum Development and Transformation (DCDT), in the University of South Africa. Links: | ||
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Cesar NavarreteCesar Navarrete is an Assistant Professor in Department of Education at St. Francis College, USA. | ||
Charoula Angeli-ValanidesDr. Charoula Angeli-Valanides is Professor of Instructional Technology at the University of Cyprus. She has undergraduate and graduate studies at Indiana University-Bloomington, USA (BS in Computer Science, MS in Computer Science, and Ph.D. in Instructional Systems Technology). She also pursued post-doctoral studies at the well-respected Learning Research and Development Center (LRCDC) at the University of Pittsburgh, USA. Her research interests include the utilization of educational technologies in K-12, the design of computer-enhanced curricula, joint cognitive systems, distributed cognition, technological pedagogical content knowledge, educational software design, teacher training, teaching methodology, online learning, and the design of learning environments for the development of thinking skills. | ||
Chijioke Jonathan OleleweChijioke Jonathan Olelewe works as a Lecturer in Faculty of Vocational Technical Education, at University of Nigeria Nsukka, Nigeria. | ||
Chun-Yen ChangProfessor Chang is currently a chair professor of National Taiwan Normal University, the director of the Science Education Center, a joint professor of the Science Education Research Institute and the Department of Earth Sciences. In the past, he served as a visiting professor at the Education University of Hong Kong, Paris VIII University and Taipei Medical University. His research interests mainly cover science education, digital learning, learning science across domains, and science communication. Professor Chang has long served as a member of the preliminary review and review committee of special research projects of the Science and Technology Development and International Cooperation Division of the National Science and Technology Commission of the Executive Yuan (hereinafter referred to as the National Science and Technology Council). From 2008 to 2013, he served as the project chief host of the "Excellent Digital Learning Science Research Center" in the national plan of digital archives and digital learning of the National Science Council, leading and promoting the integration of research projects Quite a lot of experience. From 2011 to 2016, he served as the chief project director of the Science Education Research Center of the "Towards the Top University Project" subsidized by the Ministry of Education of Taiwan Normal University, striving to develop and improve the scientific literacy of the whole people in the future. At present, nearly 150 papers have been published (including accepted) in journals with censorship systems at home and abroad, and nearly 100 of them are included in the SCI/SSCI (Science/Social Science Citation Index) journal database. Note: the above bio was a direct translation from Prof. Chang's personal website using Google Translate. For more accurate bio, please visit Prof. Chang's website directly. | ||
Cris Castro AlonsoDr Juan Cristobal Castro-Alonso (Cris Castro) is a Biochemist, Master’s in Communication and Education, and PhD in Education working at University of Birmingham. He is principal investigator and collaborator in research projects about educational psychology, cognitive science, STEM education, and multimedia learning. He has a proven record in quantitative experimental design, data processing, and statistical analyses. Dr Cris Castro is editor in the prestigious international journals Educational Psychology Review, PLOS ONE, Frontiers in Psychology, and Educational and Developmental Psychologist. He has edited and coauthored the book “Visuospatial processing for education in health and natural sciences” (2019, Springer), and has published more than 30 journal articles and book chapters. Faculty profile page | ||
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Diógenes CarvajalDiógenes Carvajal is a Psychologist (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 1996) and Magister in Education (Universidad de los Andes, 2009), who combines both disciplines to work as a researcher, professor and advisor in the field of education. He has been Assistant Professor at Universidad de los Andes (Faculty of Education) and a Visiting Scholar in many other universities in Colombia and abroad. He is also a qualitative researcher moving to mixed methods. Currently he is a Learning Assessment Advisor at the Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs of Universidad del Rosario (Bogotá, D.C.), and Clinical Professor (Social Medicine) at Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá, D.C.). His research fields are Education, Curriculum evaluation, Pedagogical innovation, Learning assessment and Qualitative research itself. He is also a dogs lover.
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Dongke ZhangProf. Dongke Zhang serves as the associate dean and associate professor at Faculty of Education in Hebei University, China. 张栋科,男,1985年生,天津大学教育学博士,河北大学教育学院副院长、副教授、硕士研究生导师,致力于教育信息化、职业教育等方面的研究。近五年来,先后主持国家社科基金教育学课题1项,中国博士后科学基金、河北省社科基金等省厅级课题7项,出版专著1部,发表核心论文14篇,其中《教育研究》1篇、《人大复印报刊资料》全文转载2篇、《中国教育报》转载1篇,获省社科优秀成果奖二等奖1项、三等奖1项 Links | ||
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Emmanuel AcquahEmmanuel Acquah is an Associate Professor (tenure track), Faculty of Education and Welfare Studies, Åbo Akademi University, Finland. | ||
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Fan OuyangProf. Fan Ouyang (欧阳璠), is a ZJU 100 Young Professor at the College of Education, Zhejiang University, China. She holds a Ph.D. in philosophy. She graduated from the University of Minnesota in the United States and majored in technology. She has an interdisciplinary background in education, computer science and technology, software theory, and information technology. Her research interests and expertise include computer-supported collaborative learning, learning analysis and educational data mining, artificial intelligence education, online and blended learning, etc. The current research directions mainly include the construction and empirical research of new teaching models in colleges and universities, learning analysis and educational data mining application and optimization research, and the development and teaching application of artificial intelligence education theory. | ||
Florence MartinProf. Florence Martin is a Professor in Learning, Design and Technology at North Carolina State University. She received her Doctorate and Master’s degrees in Educational Technology from Arizona State University. Prior to her current position, she was a Full Professor at University of North Carolina Charlotte and a tenured Associate Professor at University of North Carolina Wilmington for 15 years. She has worked on instructional design projects for Shooolini University, Viridis Learning, Maricopa Community College District, University of Phoenix, Intel, Cisco Learning Institute, and Arizona State University and taught online for Walden University. She teaches courses on Learning, Design and Technology 100% online and has received Quality Matters Certification for eight of her courses. She was the first place winner of the Crystal Award from the Division of Distance Learning in Association of Educational Communications and Technology in 2015 which is given to innovative and outstanding multimedia-based distance learning courses. While at UNC Charlotte, she developed the Post-Masters Certificate in University and College Teaching, Ed.D., and PhD. Learning Design and Technology concentrations at UNC Charlotte. She led efforts to receive program level quality matters certification for the Instructional Systems Technology Program and endorsement for the Graduate Certificate in Instructional Systems Technology from the Association for Educational Communications and Technology while at UNC Charlotte. Dr. Martin engages in research to create transformative learning experiences through effective design and integration of digital teaching and learning innovations. In recent years, she has researched on the design of online learning environments, cybersecurity and computer science education, and competencies for learning and development professionals to provide equitable learning opportunities. She has published the results of her research in several leading journals in the field of instructional technology including Educational Technology Research and Development, Computers and Education, British Journal of Educational Technology, Internet and Higher Education, Educational Research Review, American Journal of Distance Education and Educational Technology & Society. Some of the research themes she is currently investigating include digital safety, teaching programming online, meta-analysis on online learning, online instructor roles and strategies. Link: | ||
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Helen CromptonDr. Helen Crompton is the Executive Director of the Research Institute for Digital Innovation in Learning at ODUGlobal, Professor of Instructional Technology, and Director of the Virtual Reality Lab at Old Dominion University. Dr. Crompton earned her Ph.D. in educational technology and mathematics education from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Recognized for her outstanding contributions, Dr. Crompton has achieved a place on Stanford's esteemed list of the top 2% of scientists worldwide. Her exceptional work in technology integration has garnered her numerous accolades, including the SCHEV award for the Outstanding Professor of Virginia. Dr. Crompton's expertise extends beyond academia, as she frequently serves as a consultant for various governments, bilateral and multilateral organizations such as the United Nations and the World Bank, leveraging her knowledge and experience to drive meaningful change in the field of educational technology. | ||
Helena RodriguesDr. Helena Rodrigues is an Invited Assistant Professor, in the Department of Marketing, at University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE). Faculty profile pageGoogle scholar Helena Rodrigues ( | ||
Hon Jie TeoDr. Hon J. Teo is an Associate Professor and the Department Chair of Career and Technology Teacher Education at New York City College of Technology. He holds a B.Eng. and M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities and the Ph.D. degree in Engineering Education from Virginia Tech. His scholarly works have been published in Computers in Education, IEEE Transactions in Education, Journal of Engineering Education, and International Journal of Engineering Education. With other NYCCT colleagues, he recently began a multi-campus project funded by NSF HSI IUSE, titled “Building Capacity: Enhancing Undergraduate STEM Education by Enhancing Transfer Success”, to investigate the impact of collaboration between colleges and adoption of support mechanism on transfer student success. | ||
Hyeseung Maria ChangDr Hyeseung Maria Chang is a research fellow and the director of Center for Digital Education Research at KEDI (Korea Educational Research Institute), one of leading national think tanks in Korea established in 1972. Before working at the Office, Dr Chang also worked as director of Center for Digital Education Research and worked as research fellow at International Cooperation Division at KEDI. Dr Chang graduated with a Ph.D. in Education from University of Texas at Austin. Her main research interests include learning analytics, remote leaning, and educational technology. Dr Chang’s publications can be found in international academic journals such as “Computers and Education”. | ||
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Isabelle SavardIsabelle Savard is a Full Professor and Director of the Educational Technology and Distance Education programs at TÉLUQ University. She has 25 years of experience in instructional design. She received a Ph.D. in Cognitive Informatics from TÉLUQ-UQAM and held a Postdoctoral Position in Educational Technology at the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST). Her work deals primarily with instructional design, the study of cultural and contextual variables, techno-pedagogical innovation, health sciences pedagogy, competence development and distance learning/education. Faculty profile page | ||
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Jana Groß OphoffJana Groß Ophoff studied Psychology at the Freie Universität Berlin and the Albert Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (DE). Afterwards, she worked as PhD research assistant and PhD candidate at the University of Koblenz-Landau (DE) in the project Vergleichsarbeiten in der Grundschule [Mandatory student performance test in German primary education] (VERA: Prof. Dr. I. Hosenfeld, Prof. Dr. A. Helmke). After completing her PhD (Dr. phil.), she focussed her research on the assessment of educational research literacy of students in the field of educational sciences within the project Learning the Science of Education (LeScEd, PI: Prof. Dr. M. Wirtz, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research) at the University of Education in Freiburg (DE). Between April 2019 and January 2021 she worked as post-doc researcher at the chair “Research on teachers and teacher education with special emphasis on subject-matter teaching and learning” (Prof. Dr. Colin Cramer) at the University of Tübingen (DE). There, she received the Venia Legendi for Educational Science (German: Erziehungswissenschaft). As part of Colin Cramer’s research group, she was involved in a survey of German teachers and school leaders (Projekt LineS: 2019–2020). Since February 2021, she is professor of Educational Sciences (German: Bildungswissenschaften) at the University College of Teacher Education Vorarlberg (AT). Links | ||
Jingjing LinJingjing Lin, PhD, is an Assistant professor in the Center for IT-based Education (CITE) at Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan. She received her doctoral degree in communication sciences at USI Università della Svizzera italiana (Switzerland), master’s degree in IT in education at The University of Hong Kong, and bachelor degree in public administration at Harbin Engineering University, China. Her research interests cover eLearning, active learning, research literacy, entrepreneurship education, and MOOCs. She was the winner of the MAJ Best Open Courseware Award (Honorable Mention), the IFITT Best PhD Proposal Award 2017, the Innosuisse Innovation Cheque voucher 2019, and the JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Overseas Researcher 2019. She is a member of APA, IEEE, IEEE Education Society, and AERA. Links:View profileJoined on: August 1, 2021 | ||
José Manuel Sáez LópezJosé Manuel Sáez López is a Associate Professor at the National University of Distance Education (UNED) Spain. His scientific and academic work has been published in 53 specialized journals, 27 of impact (9 JCR and 18 Scopus). TOTAL: 27 STUDIES meeting the criteria (22 as 1st author) (8 JCR-Q1, 1 JCR-Q4, 18 Scopus (Q1=1, Q2= 10, Q3= 4, Q4= 3). Their lines of research are integration of Educational Technology, Didactics, visual programming, robotics, and methodological strategies. With this activity, the scientific contributions are related to the integration of technology in the classroom, coding, robotics, augmented reality and teaching methodology; The contributions are relevant as they are part of national and international projects, with impact publications and citations from the international scientific community. The books and chapters (SPI) have an academic and training impact on subjects and Higher Education. The 5 projects described have funding, obtained in competitive processes, scientific and technical capabilities are acquired with meta-analysis, application of statistics, strategies, techniques and instruments; translations, collaboration in networks-universities, and leadership in outstanding research (in 22 as 1st author). HIGH CITATION in WOS and Google Scholar. | ||
Josep M. DuartDepartment of Catedràtic Psychology and Educational Sciences, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain The research lines of Jose Mª Duart are:
He is editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education. ( He is President of Eden Digital Learning Europe ( | ||
Joy EgbertDr. Egbert is a regents professor in the College of Education, Washington State University. She teaches courses in the English as Second Language (ESL) endorsement program, the ESL course in the elementary teacher education program, and graduate courses in foundations of education research, media production, education technology, and computer-assisted language learning. Egbert is especially interested in ESL and technology, specifically computer-assisted language learning (CALL). Egbert has taught ESL pre-kindergarten through adult, and is certified K-12 in Idaho for computers and ESL, and at the secondary level for English and Russian. Links: | ||
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Karl NightingaleProf. Karl Nightingale is a Reader in Bioscience Education, Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine, King's College London, United Kingdom. | ||
Keith Francis JoinerDr. Keith Francis Joiner is a senior lecturer in Test, Evaluation & Aircraft Systems at the University of NSW's campus in Canberra for the Australian Defence Force Academy. He joined the Air Force in 1985. He became an aeronautical engineer, project manager and teacher over a 30-year career before joining the University of New South Wales (NSW) in 2015 as a senior lecturer in test and evaluation. He first studied education in his doctorate on improving pedagogy in calculus education with Curtin University's Science and Mathematics Education Centre (1995-99). Understandably, that work covered collaborative and computer-based learning, classroom environments and inclusive curriculum. Before his current academic tenure, Dr Joiner did two periods teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students at the University of NSW as a visiting military fellow (1997-99; 2006). Dr Joiner's educational research involves collaborative learning, student peer-critiquing, teaching through simulation, and exploratory-based learning. With his engineering experience, he also researches managing and governing complex systems, especially through testing, evaluation, cybersecurity, acquisition reform, modelling and simulation, and resilience measures. He examines the effects on governing complex systems from malicious cyber-threats, increased dependence on ICT and IS, and new artificial intelligence. He teaches test and evaluation techniques (aka design of experiments) to postgraduate master students and aircraft design to undergraduate students at the University of NSW's campus in Canberra for the Australian Defence Force Academy. Link: | ||
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LIANG CindyCindy Liang is currently a learning designer at The University of Hong Kong. She serves as an event coordinator of OJC events and a senior research assistant in the OJC project. View profileJoined on: March 31, 2022 | ||
Lukas LIU, Z.Dr. LIU, Lukas Z. is currently an assistant professor of the academic unit of Human Communication, Development, and Information Sciences, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. He obtained his Ph.D. from Florida State University and later joined the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth as a postdoctoral researcher and Columbia University as a visiting assistant professor. His research areas include instructional systems design, computational thinking, game-based learning, and learning analytics. | ||
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Mark BrownProf. Mark Brown is Ireland's first Chair in Digital Learning and Director of the National Institute for Digital Learning (NIDL). Prof. Brown has over 30-years experience of working in Higher Education and has played key leadership roles in the development, implementation and evaluation of several major university-wide digital learning and teaching initiatives. Prof. Brown is a member of the Executive Committee of the European Distance and e-Learning Network (EDEN) and previously chaired (2014-2018) the Innovation in Teaching and Learning Steering Committee for the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU). He serves on the Supervisory Board of the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU) and is a member of the Advisory Board for the US based Online Learning Consortium's Research Center for Digital Learning and Leadership. Links: | ||
Mark NewmanDr. Mark Newman is an Interdisciplinary Social Scientist working predominantly in applied research areas. His professional background includes health, social sciences and education and he has worked in the NHS as well as in Higher Education. His academic interests span three inter-related areas:
He uses a range of approaches and methods in his research including Experimental Research designs, Qualitative fieldwork and interviews, and Systematic Reviews. He combines his interests in his roles as a senior researcher in the EPPI-Centre, Module Leader on the MSc in Social Policy and Social Research and Programme Leader of the Research Training Programme in the Centre for Doctoral Education UCL Institute of Education. Links | ||
Mehmet ErsoyMehmet Ersoy is an Associate Professor in Faculty of Education, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Turkey. | ||
Michael K. BarbourProfessor Michael K. Barbour completed his Ph.D. in Instructional Technology at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia. At present he is a Professor of Instructional Design for the College of Education and Health Services at Touro University California in Vallejo, USA. | ||
Miguel NussbaumMiguel Nussbaum, is a Full Professor of the Department of Computer Science of the School of Engineering of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. He won the Avonni award for innovation in Chile in the Education category in 2011, he has been editor of the magazine Computer & Education since 2015 (3rd of 243 in the ISI Education catalogue), he was a member of the Council of the Education Quality Agency of Chile (2012-2017) and, in 2018, he obtained the “Andrés Bello University Merit Award 2018”, mention “Education”. He has published more than 100 articles in ISI catalog journals with more than 7300 citations to his articles, and graduated 33 doctoral students. He has a MOOC on COURSERA, Towards Constructivist Classroom Practice, with over 50,000 enrolled. His research in instructional design, which integrates the use of technology, It is focused on how to change teaching practices in the classroom to ensure that students are main actors in their learning, developing creativity and critical thinking. Its scientific developments have been applied in schools in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, the United States, Great Britain, Guatemala, India, Sweden, and Uruguay, and have been sponsored by UNESCO. | ||
Min LANDr. Min LAN is an assistant professor at the College of Teacher Education at Zhejiang Normal University (浙江师范大学教师教育学院). He holds a doctoral degree from The University of Hong Kong and has expertise in technology-enhanced learning, online education, blended learning, pedagogy and education. Latest published articles: Tan, C. Y., Pan, Q., Zhang, Y., Lan, M., & Law, N. (2022). Parental Home Monitoring and Support and Students’ Online Learning and Socioemotional Well-Being During COVID-19 School Suspension in Hong Kong. Frontiers in Psychology, 3198. Lan, M., Law, N., & Pan, Q. (2022). Effectiveness of anti-cyberbullying educational programs: A socio-ecologically grounded systematic review and meta-analysis. Computers in Human Behavior, 107200. More on ResearchGate: | ||
Murod IsmailovDr. Murod Ismailov is an Assistant Professor in the Center for Education of Global Communication at University of Tsukuba, Japan. Murod Ismailov, Ph.D. is Assistant Professor of Learning Sciences at the University of Tsukuba, and Adjunct Professor of Political Science at the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan. Murod's current teaching and research interests are interdisciplinary and include both substantive and methodological areas, organized into four clusters: (1) Media and Technology for Learning; (2) Psychology of Learner Engagement, (3) Sustainability and Climate Change Education, and (4) Transformative Education in Central Eurasia and Japan. His most recent papers were published in The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, Sustainability, Educational Psychology, Frontiers in Links | ||
Musa Adekunle AyanwaleDr. Musa Adekunle Ayanwale is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow, in the Department of Science and Technology Education, Faculty of Education, at University of Johannesburg, South Africa. | ||
Myint Swe KhineProfessor Myint Swe Khine holds Master's degrees in education from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA, and the University of Surrey, Guildford. UK., and a Doctor of Education from Curtin University, Australia. He has worked at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and was a Professor and Chair of the Assessment and Evaluation Centre, at Emirates College for Advanced Education in the United Arab Emirates. Dr. Khine currently teaches at Curtin University, Australia. He was also a recipient of the Matsumae International Foundation Fellowship in Japan. His research interest covers the science of learning, pedagogy in education, technology-enhanced learning, science education, artificial intelligence in education, and quantitative analysis in educational research. He is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of international academic journals including Learning Environment Research (Springer), Educational Media International (Taylor & Francis), International Journal of Social Media and Interactive learning environments (Inderscience), and Educational Psychology (Frontiers). He has published numerous papers and edited over 40 books. Recent volumes, Handbook of Research in Teacher Education: Innovations and Practices in Asia (2022), Rasch Measurement: Applications in Quantitative Educational Research (2020), and Methodology for Multilevel Modelling in Educational Research: Concept and Applications (2022) are published by Springer. Links
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Niki Chu JiNiki is a volunteer at ResearchIC project and a master's student at the Master of Sciences in IT in Education at The University of Hong Kong. Email: Joined on: November 1, 2022 Role: Volunteer assistant Status: Active | ||
Niwat SrisawasdiAsst.Prof.Dr. Niwat Srisawasdi currently works in the Faculty of Education, and in the Smart Learning Innovation Research Center, at Khon Kaen University, Thailand. | ||
Noorhidawati Binti AbdullahAssociate Prof. Dr. Noorhidawati Binti Abdullah works in the Department of Library Science & Information, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, at University of Malaya. | ||
Nur Wijayaning R. | ||
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Rabindra RatanDr. Rabindra (Robby) Ratan is an Associate Professor and AT&T Scholar at Michigan State University’s Department of Media and Information as well as Director of the Social and Psychological Approaches to Research on Technology-Interaction Effects (SPARTIE) Lab. He is also an affiliated faculty member of the MSU Department of Psychology, the MSU College of Education’s program in Educational Psychology and Educational Technology, and the MSU Center for Gender in a Global Context. He received his Ph.D. from USC’s Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, his M.A. in Communication from Stanford University, and his B.A. in Science, Technology and Society, also from Stanford University. | ||
Roger FlühlerRoger is working in the ZHAW University Library at ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland. He is also a researcher with interests in open educational resources. | ||
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Scotty CraigScotty D. Craig is an associate professor of human systems engineering within The Polytechnic School of the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University. Dr. Craig is a learning engineer with expertise in cognitive science, design science, and the science of learning (specifically learning technology). He has contributions at the intersection of psychology, education, and technology within the areas of multimedia learning, virtual environments, as well as development and evaluation of learning technology within laboratory and applied settings. Dr. Craig is currently the Graduate Chair for the Human Systems Engineering Program and the University Senate President of the Polytechnic Campus. | ||
Song XueDr. Song Xue (薛松) is currently an assistant professor at Zhejiang Normal University, China. He finished his doctoral training at the University of Dundee, United Kingdom. His research interests cover modeling, teaching methods (middle school chemistry and science), and international hot topics in science education. | ||
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Tan Seng CheeAssociate Professor Dr. Tan Seng Chee currently works as Associate Dean, Higher Degrees, Graduate Studies & Professional Learning Associate Professor, in the Learning Sciences & Assessment Academic Group, within the National Institute of Education, at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. | ||
Thomas ChiuDr. Thomas Chiu is Assistant Professor of Digital Education at the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, and Associate Director of the Centre for University and School Partnership and Centre for Learning Sciences and Technologies at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Prior to this he was a Lecturer and School-university Partnership Director in the Faculty of Education at The University of Hong Kong. He has a strong academic background in mathematics, engineering, and technology, with extensive teaching and leadership experience in schools. His research interests include Digital Education, STEM Education, and Teacher Education. Link: | ||
Tony HallTony is Senior Lecturer in Educational Technology and a design-based researcher in the School of Education, University of Galway. Tony's research interests centre on innovation and technology in education, and the potential of design-based research (D.B.R.) in educational settings, elective and formal. Tony is Joint Programme Director (Education) of the BA Mathematics and Education. Links | ||
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Yan JiangDr. Yan Jiang is an educational researcher at Meiji University, Japan. She holdes a doctoral degree in higher education from Kyoto University, and obtained work experience as research associate and assistant professor from various universities in Japan such as Kyoto University, Tokyo University, and Waseda University. Her expertise lies in active learning in the context of higher education classrooms. | ||
Yan ZhouDr. Yan Zhou is an assistant professor at the College of Teacher Education in Zhejiang Normal University (浙江师范大学教师教育学院). | ||
Yidan LIYidan Li is currently a research assistant at the University of Hong Kong. View Profile | ||
Yongjun XuInstitute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China Profile: | ||
Yuk Ming TangIr Dr. Yuk Ming Tang is currently the Senior Teaching Fellow in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is the Lab-in-charge of the Integrated Product Design Laboratory, Deputy Lab-in-charge of Ng Tat Lun Digital Factory, a key and initiating member of the Joint Research Centre for Immersive Learning and Educational Technology (CILME), and Co-PI of the Non-PAIR Research Centre for Assistive Technology. Additionally, Dr. Tang is the President of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) - Hong Kong and a Member of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (MHKIE). His achievements have been highly recognized, as evidenced by his receipt of the Faculty Award for Outstanding Achievement in Teaching (Individual), Faculty Merit Award in Teaching (Individual) and Service (Team), Distinguished Educator Award, Best Researcher Award, among others. Additionally, he has been nominated for the UGC Teaching Award in the General Faculty Members category. Dr. Tang's research interests include Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual Reality (VR), Internet of Things, Digital Twin, blockchain, sustainable technology in Industry 4.0, and healthcare applications. In the span of three years, Dr. Tang has published over 80 internationally referred journal articles, 10 book chapters, edited 4 books, and received 2 patents. His publications are mainly published in top-ranked journals such as Computers & Education (C&E), Expert Systems with Applications (ESWA), Information Sciences, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, and others. He serves as an editor in several renowned journals, including Internet of Things and Journal of Industrial Information Integration. He was a speaker at the Hospital Authority Convention and was interviewed in the episodes of "香港故事_創科夢工場:活在元宇宙" and "Innovation GPS" (創科導航), television programs on local channels RTHK and TVB, respectively. Faculty profile page | ||
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Zaidatun Tasir | ||
Zheng Gao150 x 150 Dr. Zheng Gao is | ||