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Jana Groß Ophoff

Jana Groß Ophoff studied Psychology at the Freie Universität Berlin and the Albert Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (DE). Afterwards, she worked as PhD research assistant and PhD candidate at the University of Koblenz-Landau (DE) in the project Vergleichsarbeiten in der Grundschule [Mandatory student performance test in German primary education] (VERA: Prof. Dr. I. Hosenfeld, Prof. Dr. A. Helmke). After completing her PhD (Dr. phil.), she focussed her research on the assessment of educational research literacy of students in the field of educational sciences within the project Learning the Science of Education (LeScEd, PI: Prof. Dr. M. Wirtz, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research) at the University of Education in Freiburg (DE). Between April 2019 and January 2021 she worked as post-doc researcher at the chair “Research on teachers and teacher education with special emphasis on subject-matter teaching and learning” (Prof. Dr. Colin Cramer) at the University of Tübingen (DE). There, she received the Venia Legendi for Educational Science (German: Erziehungswissenschaft). As part of Colin Cramer’s research group, she was involved in a survey of German teachers and school leaders (Projekt LineS: 2019–2020). Since February 2021, she is professor of Educational Sciences (German: Bildungswissenschaften) at the University College of Teacher Education Vorarlberg (AT).


Jingjing Lin

Jingjing Lin, PhD, is an Assistant professor in the Center for IT-based Education (CITE) at Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan. She received her doctoral degree in communication sciences at USI Università della Svizzera italiana (Switzerland), master’s degree in IT in education at The University of Hong Kong, and bachelor degree in public administration at Harbin Engineering University, China. Her research interests cover eLearning, active learning, research literacy, entrepreneurship education, and MOOCs. She was the winner of the MAJ Best Open Courseware Award (Honorable Mention), the IFITT Best PhD Proposal Award 2017, the Innosuisse Innovation Cheque voucher 2019, and the JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Overseas Researcher 2019. She is a member of APA, IEEE, IEEE Education Society, and AERA.



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José Manuel Sáez López

José Manuel Sáez López is a Associate Professor at the National University of Distance Education (UNED) Spain. His scientific and academic work has been published in 53 specialized journals, 27 of impact (9 JCR and 18 Scopus). TOTAL: 27 STUDIES meeting the criteria (22 as 1st author) (8 JCR-Q1, 1 JCR-Q4, 18 Scopus (Q1=1, Q2= 10, Q3= 4, Q4= 3). Their lines of research are integration of Educational Technology, Didactics, visual programming, robotics, and methodological strategies. With this activity, the scientific contributions are related to the integration of technology in the classroom, coding, robotics, augmented reality and teaching methodology; The contributions are relevant as they are part of national and international projects, with impact publications and citations from the international scientific community. The books and chapters (SPI) have an academic and training impact on subjects and Higher Education. The 5 projects described have funding, obtained in competitive processes, scientific and technical capabilities are acquired with meta-analysis, application of statistics, strategies, techniques and instruments; translations, collaboration in networks-universities, and leadership in outstanding research (in 22 as 1st author). HIGH CITATION in WOS and Google Scholar.

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Josep M. Duart

Department of Catedràtic Psychology and Educational Sciences, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain

The research lines of Jose Mª Duart are:

  1. Educational uses of ICTs and their impact on higher education institutions. This is an analysis of the institutional impact of technology uses and how their adoption affects teaching and learning processes (educational model), the students' role and profile and organizational changes (organizational model).  
  2. Estimating the social impact of online higher education institutions based on university access and higher earnings. This is an analysis of specific online higher education institutions’ contributions based on how they aid their students in improving their salaries, attaining job promotions or moving on to “better” jobs as a result of the online courses taken.
  3. Educational leadership. Analysis of leadership in educational institutions

He is editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education. (

He is President of Eden Digital Learning Europe (

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Joy Egbert

Dr. Egbert is a regents professor in the College of Education, Washington State University. She teaches courses in the English as Second Language (ESL) endorsement program, the ESL course in the elementary teacher education program, and graduate courses in foundations of education research, media production, education technology, and computer-assisted language learning. Egbert is especially interested in ESL and technology, specifically computer-assisted language learning (CALL). Egbert has taught ESL pre-kindergarten through adult, and is certified K-12 in Idaho for computers and ESL, and at the secondary level for English and Russian.
