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The name of an article; often an important source of information.

Type I Error

Another name for a Confidence Error, where the statistical test is too lenient and so the results cannot be trusted. Is also called a False Positive.

Type II Error

Another name for a Power Error, where the statistical test is too stringent and so significant results cannot be identified. Is also called a False Negative.


unstructured interview

An Interview style where the researcher asks a few simple general questions to the Participant, and then the Participant is free to take the discussion in whatever direction might be useful. Most often found in Qualitative Research.



A measure of the authenticity of Data. When Data are valid, then we are actually measuring what we claim we are measuring. Both Qualitative Research and Quantitative Research use differing forms of validity.


A measurement that can change its value depending on conditions or treatments. As opposed to Constant.

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