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Descriptive Statistics

That branch of Statistics that looks at Distributions, especially in terms of Central Tendency and Dispersion. As opposed to Inferential Statistics.


DET is acronym for digital and educational technologies.

See example in this article.



The branch of scientific philosophy that says that the laws of science are absolute. Now mostly discredited and abandoned.


The part of a Primary Article where Results and Findings are summarized and examined, unusual aspects are explained, implications are laid out, and possible future research is described.


One property of Distributions that is examined in Descriptive Statistics. Dispersion describes the ways that scores in a distribution systematically spread out from some middle point. Common measures of Dispersion include the Range and the Standard Deviation.

Dissertation / Thesis

Dissertations are written by postgraduate students to get a licentiate or doctoral degree. The purpose of a dissertation is for students to prove that they know the earlier research within the discipline, master the area of research methodology, and can also contribute with new knowledge within the specific topic they write about. Therefore, dissertations also serve as very good overviews of earlier research and provide the reader with extensive reference lists. Sometimes, a dissertation consists of several articles that have been published in journals plus a comprehensive summary. These are called summary dissertations.

Student theses are written by university students, usually on the level of bachelor or master. Student theses do not carry the scientific weight of licentiate and doctoral dissertations, but they may also provide you with suggestions for other references, methodology and working methods within the field.

Note: the above content is directly quoted from the University Library Guides offered by the University Library at Jönköping University


In Statistics, a set of scores most often described by their Central Tendency and Dispersion. A Distribution can describe either a Sample or a Population.


Ecological Validity

A type of Validity particularly important in Qualitative Research where the Data and the research efforts are true to life and realistic.


A basic aspect of human culture, where people teach and learn from each other. The formal style of education is called schooling.

Educational Research

A form of research that studies how people teach and learn in formal and informal settings.

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